Sunday, January 07, 2007

First Days in Japan

Well, Hyatt and I arrived in Misawa, Japan a little over a week ago, and it has been quite the adventure since we arrived. We have not yet found a place to live, but we did venture on an exciting jaunt with Brian and Ellie (and Sadie) yesterday to a town an hour and a half west of here called Aomori. Brian's ever positive description was that it was "like Lake Tahoe"... and of, course, me, wondering if Brian has ever been to Lake Tahoe, was exceedingly curious as to what his impression of Lake Tahoe was. So, we drove (and drove some more) up a mountain road towards this Japanese Lake Tahoe. I was excited when we passed the waterfalls , but even more amazed once we came upon the lake. Maybe it wasn't Lake Tahoe, but it was sure beautiful.


allisonmoore said...

oooh! Looks COLD! and beautiful! as do you! How come Nicole still doesn't look pregnant? Glad you made it safe and sound. Miss you!

Brian and Ellie said...

I think it looks like Lake Tahoe... in fact, it is more Tahoeish than Lake Tahoe itself. From now on, I will forever say "Yes, I know of Lake Tahoe. It is that lake in Utah that looks like Lake Towada!"

briacarlson said...

What a good looking couple! When are you due again Nicole?!? Nice to see you guys in your new homeland. I'll email soon Nicole:)