Thursday, June 05, 2008


Tiffany "tagged" me over a month ago on her blog... I am so behind...
Here it goes:

5 things on my To Do list:
1. Eat lunch (bagel bites?)
2. Update blog (check!)
3. Do bible study (The Patriarchs - Beth Moore)
4. Clean bathrooms (might wait for the To Do list for Mom when she gets here...)
5. See Lisa's new Dress (definitely a capital "D" from what I hear - way to go Jeremy!)

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. sour gummy worms (and a lot of other candy)
2. oranges
3. smoothies
4. all natural, salted by the sea, almonds (helps my daily calcium intake)
5. chocolate cherry Kashi granola bars

5 things I would do if I won the lottery
1. Share with church, family, and friends (I copied Tiff here, but I really would share - especially Camp Alandale and Watoto)
2. Take a trip around the world - maybe a year long ticket stopping everywhere
3. Buy a yacht
4. Buy an island
5. Build our dream house on a lake... and dream houses for our best friends and family for down the street from us

I suppose it would have to be a really big lottery...

5 bad habits:
1. Procrastinating
2. Interrupting when other people are talking
3. Eating maybe a little too much candy
4. Not folding the clean laundry until days later
5. Letting junk pile up in our entranceway

5 places I have lived:
1. Langley, BC
2. Charlotte, NC
3. Kapolei, HI
4. Monterey, CA
5. Misawa, Japan

5 jobs I have had:
1. Sales person at the Bay
2. Technical Writer at SFG/Cayenta
3. Admissions Student Assistant at Trinity Western University
4. Application Consultant at Cayenta
5. Sales Assistant at Hyatt Regency Monterey

5 friends who ghost read your blog and need to start their own:
1. My mom
2. Lisa
3. Friends/Family
4. ?
5. ?

5 favorite things to do on the weekends:
1. Veg at home with Hyatt and Kaiya
2. Watch movies
3. Explore
4. Hang out with friends
5. Go for walks

Ok, I will tag Katey, Ellie, & Debbie!!!

Kaiya is One!

Well, on May 22nd, Kaiya turned one! It's SO hard to believe that already a year has gone by! While she is not walking on her own yet, she is very busy these days and loves to "walk around" using whatever hand holds she can find... furniture, table cloths, people, etc. She is beginning to eat more table foods, says Mama and Dada, and I keep trying to hear another word in there, as they say 12 month olds are supposed to have at least one additional word besides mama and dada. I like to think she says "all done" and "bottle" (baba), but it may be a bit of a stretch. Kaiya has become an avid piano player and loves to read. She also loves a good game of peek-a-boo.

For Kaiya's birthday, we had a party at the beach on base here. While the weather didn't fully cooperate, the rain did hold off, and we had lots of fun with friends, hot dogs and cake:)