Friday, April 04, 2008

Fun in the Sun... and the Sand

Today was another beautiful day in the sun here on Oahu. This afternoon we were able to venture over to the east side of the island so Hyatt and Brian could check out the bodysurfing at a beach there. I had Kaiya watching duty, and she made it a little more exciting than normal. Just last week she became quite upset when she accidentally got sand on her hand and wasn't able to get it off. She would hold up her hand and start to whine. Somehow she has become more used to it in the last few days and has progressed from her first response, to tolerance and curiosity, to what you can see now in this little video clip. What a joy she is! Each day she seems more and more ready to conquer the world:) Kaiya's exploring everything in reasonable proximity, from under the bed in the hotel room, to inside my suitcase, to the sand surrounding her "safe" towel area at the beach.

Well, I will leave you to be amused at today's antics...

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