Now, how do I even try to follow up news like that? Since it has been so long since our last blog entry, I suppose I have a few things new to share (although I still understand that none of these things can compete with the wonder of the internet in our own living room).
Most of you know that Hyatt headed down south to warm Okinawa on Monday for a few weeks, so the house is feeling kind of empty these days. (Our crib did arrive on Thursday, though, so that managed to take up some of the vacant space.) He's enjoying his time down there so far, and is studying hard. There's a chance that I may actually be able to fly down to visit him on Monday, so that should be fun! I was able to get a letter from the doctor to take with me with in case anyone asks any questions about my belly being ok to fly - so I have the hall pass until April 16th at midnight, when I turn into a pumpkin... oops, I mean I turn 34 weeks pregnant.
One of my more recent re-discoveries has been the joy of swimming. To tell the truth, my swim cap and goggles had not felt water since my university days. So, in a moment of adventure last week, my friend Tiffany and I ventured to the base pool for the lap swim. Picture, if you will (but if you won't, I won't be offended, because it was a pretty wild sight), my 30 week pregnant belly, a two piece swimsuit (the speedo wouldn't fit over the 30 week pregnant belly, and I just never got a maternity suit), and aforementioned swim cap and goggles. We had such fun, though, that we went again this week, and plan to continue!
Mom and Dad flew out for a quick visit earlier this month (I think they almost spent as much time traveling as they did with us here in Misawa). We did some sightseeing, but also just enjoyed getting to be together again. It was fun just getting to see and organize all of Mom's "finds" for the baby, and Dad helped fix things around the house and on the truck. Just some quality family time. One notable part of the week with them was our discovery of a steak house restaurant named Yoshino's. Granted, our friends had already made this discovery for themselves, but Hyatt and I had not yet tried it out. Monday afternoon we made our reservation for that evening. Tuesday afternoon we were still talking about the amazing meal that we had had on Monday. Thursday afternoon we were making another reservation for that evening, because Mom and Dad couldn't leave without tasting that goodness one more time. Let's just say that I did not realize before that experience (or should I say, those experiences) that food could do that (and I say "do that" only because I cannot find the words to explain the almost religious experience of watching the chef/artist create our meal, tasting that perfectly tender, flavourful steak, and then being surprised with the amazing spring ice roll with chocolate sauce for dessert).
For your viewing pleasure, here are a couple of pictures of my blossoming abdomen (you can only call it a belly so many times - and I apologize to those who really didn't want to picture my bare stomach earlier in the swimming tale), as well as today's new addition to our family (a gorgeous cabinet from the bizarre - you can see the height one of the pictures, because the fridge is on the right edge of the photo).
Alright, now that I have droned on and on, I suppose I will try and remember what other things I used to use this living room for, in the days before I had the internet at my fingertips...